Everyone looks for auto loan at low interest rate, but most of them do not know how to avail it. They are not exactly aware of the factors that influence the interest rate of this type of loan. Entering the market offhand, they end up taking loan deals that does not suit their individual requirements. The following are the key factors that decide the cost of a loan. A prospective borrower is better off focusing on all these factors in order to crack a good deal on auto loans.
• Attachment of collateral
• The credit score
• Debt to income ratio
• Type of lender
Attachment of collateral makes the lender feel secure in regard to repayment of the loan. So, a lender always prefers to do business with that person who places a property to secure the loan. It is because of this, lenders offer the loan at low interest rate. This, however, does not mean that a person who cannot pledge security will have no chance to avail low rate auto loans. The rest of the factors discussed here are helpful for them to avail this loan at competitive interest rate, even though they do not place collateral.
The second important point is the credit score. Good credit score always shows the trustworthiness of the borrower. It gives the lender a sense of security that he will not lose his money, as the borrower has the reputation of paying off his debts. So, he may not fuss over the collateral issue and offer the auto loan at cheap rate.
Thirdly, the debt to income ratio of a borrower also plays an important role in deciding the interest rate. If the income is much higher than the debt obligation, the chances are that interest rates will be comparatively low. Next, the type of lender one approaches also matters in case of the cost of a loan.
The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his Master in Business Administration and is currently assisting Bad-Credit-Auto-Loan as a finance specialist.
For more information please visit: http://www.bad-credit-auto-loan.co.uk